Lajos Kossuth, Ph.D.
Hi and welcome to my site!
I am an applied and experimental interdisciplinary economist with a keen interest in understanding human behavior, especially within natural environments, and their implications for organizations, educational and health policy, development and wellbeing. My research combines theoretical insights in economics and psychology with quantitative and experimental methods. I am particularly interested in examining the role of heuristics in shaping decisions related to behavior within organizations, health, education, justice and human capital formation.
I obtained my Ph.D. in Behavioral Economics from Warwick Business School and currently work as a Post-doctoral Associate at MIT Sloan School of Management with Professor Roberto Rigobon. If you wish to contact me, please send an e-mail to lkossuth[at] or lkossuth[at]
I will be a job market candidate in the 2024-25 academic job market. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.